Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sympathy of the Antigens in Our Body

From the day that you were born, I was there to protect you from harm—from the harmful environment where you belong. From then on, every hour, every minute, and every second, I was always there to protect you. Besides the bad elements you sweat out, the eyes that you wiped, and the junk foods you have stored in your body, there’s also smoke—smoke that gets into my eyes. The flood of wine continuously flows and is very hard to stop, sometimes flushing me out of your system. But now, my dear master, I am very sorry but I can’t take it anymore.

There’s no other place to vacuum the smoke but in your lungs. Those heavy floods of wine sunk into your liver, and your heart has weakened. There are also some of those chemicals that I have encountered. Please, master, stop these vices.

If you will just listen to me, my master, I will do the best that I can to protect you, till the end of both of us. Thank you.

I am Forgetful Alan, but I never did forget my principle in life: not to get into any vices. I hope you do too.


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